Get in Touch
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Village Numbers
Village Hall Social | Helen Reeve | t: 01548 821306 |
Hall Bookings | Angela Taylor | t: 01548 821678 |
Parishioners Draw | Angela Taylor | t: 01548 821678 |
Bingo’s & Whist Drives | Melvyn Treeby | t: 07836 761115 |
WI President | Judy Lovick | t: 01548 559322 |
WI Secretary | Jan Finch | t: 01803 732981 |
The New Inn Moreleigh | t: 01548 821326 | |
The Old Inn Halwell | t: 01803 712329 |
Other Parish Contact numbers
Parish Council Clerk:
e: halwellandmoreleighclerk …
t: 01548 550515
Chairman – Denys Treeby:
t: 07966 389007
Parish News:
Editor & HR Helen Reeve
t: 01548 821306
Treasurer Jan Wagstaff:
01548 821320
Distributor/ Rose Palmer
t: 01803 732255