The meeting will be on Monday the 2nd September at 5.30pm (another group is booked into the hall at 7pm). Unless a further application is received this will be a one item meeting and our Parish Clerk Sall will forward an agenda by Wednesday 28th August. and be attached to the notice board.

Normally in August there is no PC meeting however it is felt that since it is a major change with highway implications and a new dwelling that the August meeting will be held on the 2nd September. This will be an ordinary PC meeting except that it will only deal with planning matters. All PC meetings are open to the public, as you know and anyone wishing to make comments will be able to do so in open forum at the start of the meeting.

If you wish to view all the documents/plans for the Planning application for Totnes Cross Filling Station 2334/19/FUL go to the South Hams D.C. web site.